Year 10 Enrolment

Though most students enter the School in Year 9, Melbourne High School enrols a minimum of 28 students into Year 10. This additional enrolment will enable students with high academic achievements and demonstrated commitment to co-curricular and sporting involvement to enter the School.

All candidates wishing to apply for consideration for enrolment into Year 10 are required to sit the Year 10 Academic Ability Assessment Test and must also submit an application using the MHS Application Form. A School appointed Selection Panel will interview shortlisted candidates.

The Academic Ability Assessment Test is conducted on behalf of the School by Edutest. Unlike Year 9 entry, the academic assessment is not used as the main determinant of offers.

How to Apply for Year 10​​

  1. Students must be either Australian citizens, either by birth or Australian Citizenship, or a  holder of a permanent resident's visa, at the time of application. Citizens of New Zealand are eligible to apply, however Melbourne High School cannot enrol international or temporary students.  

  2. Applications open on Thursday 12 March 2020 and are to be made online by clicking here>>.

  3. Closing date is Friday 31 July 2020 at 5.00 pm.

  4. Sample practice tests are available on the Edutest website>>

  5. Please read the Selection Procedure, Selection Criteria and Guidelines for Written Application prior to submitting your application form.

  6. The MHS Application Form is available from Thursday 12 March 2020. Download the application form here>>

  7. The MHS Application Form must be handwritten by the applicant.

  8. The entrance examination will be held Wednesday 12 August 2020 at Melbourne High School. 


Notes for Year 10

Melbourne High School selects a minimum of 28 students to enter Year 10.


Selection is via the completed MHS Application Form accompanied by copies of school reports, the Academic Ability Assessment Test, and, for short-listed candidates, an interview.

The 5% rule and Principal's Discretionary Category are not applicable for Year 10.


Copies of the applicant’s 2019 mid-year and end-of-year school reports and supplementary documents together with the MHS Application Form must be submitted by mail to reach Melbourne High School by Friday 31 July 2020. Please do not hand deliver your applications documents to the school.

Applicants who are not sitting the test at Melbourne High School must submit by mail hard copies of the above documents to reach the Registrar at Melbourne High School by Friday 31 July 2020.


Selection Procedure

There are three components of the Year 10 Selection Process.

1. Written Application

Using the MHS Application form, all applicants are required to submit a written application which is to include a statement of achievement against the Selection Criteria, supporting documentation and a single A4 page Personal Statement. All applications are assessed by a School selection panel against the required criteria.

2. Academic Ability Assessment

All applicants are required to sit the Year 10 Academic Ability Assessment. This is conducted on behalf of the School by EduTest. Unlike Year 9 entry this assessment is neither used as the key indicator of academic achievement nor as the main determinant of offers.

3. Interview

All short-listed applicants are interviewed by a School selection panel. Following interviews, the selection panel ranks all short-listed applicants and positions are offered by the School strictly according to this rank order. Please note that the Principal’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.

Selection Criteria

Application for entry to Melbourne High School at Year 10 is assessed against the following three criteria:

1. Co-curricular Achievement

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate significant achievement in one or more areas of co-curricular involvement such as sport, music, debating, and performing arts.

2. School and Community Leadership

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of leadership at secondary school level or within the broader community. It is expected that applicants can demonstrate a high level of achievement against each criterion, however applicants are still considered where this is not the case.

3. Academic Achievement

Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of outstanding academic achievement at secondary school level.

Guidelines for Written Application

Your written application must contain:

1. A Personal Statement

This should be a hand written on the first A4 page of the MHS Application form.  Your response should detail the reasons why you are seeking enrolment at Melbourne High School and why you feel you should be selected. Other factors relevant to your application may also be included.

2. Response to the Selection Criteria

This must be submitted on the required Application Form. You should detail and describe evidence of your achievement against each criterion.

3. Supporting Documentation

You should include sufficient material to validate all information included in your selection criteria response or personal statement. All applicants must include their 2019 mid-year and end-of-year school reports.

Only photocopies of original documents should be submitted.


Other factors which may be considered include:

  • Students’ prior educational opportunities, as well as short or long-term disadvantage or hardship will be considered. This could include Interrupted schooling or a personal or family situation which may have impacted on the student’s educational opportunities.

  • Previous family connections to the School.

4. Mailing Applications

Applications must be sent by mail, (using an Express/Guaranteed Next Day Delivery envelope) to:

The Registrar

Melbourne High School

Forrest Hill

South Yarra   VIC.  3141

Application documents must reach the school no later than Friday 31 July 2020.

Academic Ability Assessment and Registration

  • If you wish to proceed with your application, click here>>.

  • When you have completed your registration, remember to download the MHS Application Form here>>.

Thank you for visiting our website to find out more about the School and its enrolment procedures.

The Registrar is the first point of contact in the exciting step towards becoming a student at Melbourne High School. If you have any questions about the process please contact the Registrar.

Contact: The Registrar's Office
Phone: +61 3 9823 7152


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South Yarra, 3141

Victoria, Australia

Tel:  +61 3 9826 0711

Fax: +61 3 9826 8767

© 2010–2020. Melbourne High School. All rights reserved.

Last up-dated 10 June 2020